Permanent Eyeliner Pros and Cons

Everyone wants to look their best, and many women achieve this by applying makeup. Makeup can be used in enhancing beauty, but it also means spending a lot of time applying the makeup, and also ensuring it is perfect. This is why permanent makeup has become popular. If you check out Instagram, you will see thousands of photos of women who have permanent makeup. More and more people are able to find it much more convenient, and they don’t have to worry about it coming off. There are many different types of permanent makeup, but the ones that have become common are permanent eyeliner, tattooed eyebrows, and lip liner pigmentation.


There have been many people praising permanent makeup and there are those who don’t like it. This is because like anything else, it has its pros and cons. When used well, it can help you in bringing the best out of your look. It is important to avoid going overboard because it is long term, and you will need to stick with the mistakes for some time. It is also important to choose the right expert to perform the procedure, or else you end up regretting a lot. What are the pros and cons of permanent eyeliner?

Permanent Makeup Pros

The main reasons women do this is to save time. This means you will not have to do the process every morning when you wake up, and this will save you a lot of time. You will be able to have the perfect eyeliner, without having to put any time into it before getting out of the house.

When done right, nobody will be able to know that you had permanent makeup. The main thing to be considered when doing this is ensuring the results are subtle. You don’t want anybody that sees you know that you applied permanent eyeliner. This is why it is important to choose an experienced beautician who will be able to provide you with great results that are hard to know they are permanent.

You will have the same eyeliner the next morning, which means you will be looking the same every day. When you apply eyeliner, how it turns out today might not be the same as tomorrow. Permanent eyeliner means you remain the same, even if you decide to travel abroad. When in the market for eyeliner products, you might not be able to find the one you are using, which means the final results will be different.

Permanent eyeliners can be perfect for people who usually have allergies to makeup, or those with movement impairment making it hard to apply makeup, like people. This gives them the chance of looking great, without having to struggle to put on makeup.

Permanent Makeup Cons

As much as permanent eyeliner has benefits, there are some issues. Most of the cons can be avoided by choosing the right beautician and doing a little more research. Many people jump without knowing what they are getting into, and then they end up regretting when things don’t go their way.
The process of applying permanent eyeliner means it is done near the eye, and there are some cases of people having their eyes burnt by the numbing cream accidentally entering the eye. This can be very painful and will cause a lot of discomfort for months. Skilled technicians must have proper knowledge of the use of an anesthetic to numb the pain – especially when it comes to places close to delicate areas like eyes.

If you are considering getting permanent eyeliners, always choose an experienced expert, even if they charge a little more. There is no need to spend a lot after the procedure.